3 Powerful Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

Is slowing down the revolving door of employees on your list of business goals this year? If you’re unsure where to start, the guide below is here to help. Find three suggestions to consider implementing in your organization to keep employees longer.

1. Analyze Why People are Leaving

It makes sense to look at why employees leave as you try to figure out how to encourage others to stay. To get a pulse on what is happening, schedule exit interviews with those who give their notice at work.

Keep in mind that anything that comes to light during those interviews might only require simple changes to fix, rather than huge readjustments. For example, Person A may explain that they are leaving because of poor mental health. A response to this issue might be to offer counseling as part of the workplace benefits.

To help respondents feel more comfortable sharing their opinions to ascertain honest answers, send the list of questions to the musing automated software like Talcura’s HR suite. From a lack of appreciation to feeling uninspired, there are many potential reasons why people quit.

2. Choose the Right People to Hire

Your high turnover rate might be due to hiring those who are not a good fit for the job. If they leave soon after their start date, that makes for costly and time-consuming hiring strategies. It can also be detrimental to the workplace culture.

To help you hire those who are more likely to stay in the organization, challenge the traditional concept of hiring only based on qualifications. Instead, expand your sights to include looking at how the candidates fit with your team and their level of enthusiasm about joining the organization. Another important characteristic to watch for in job interviews is how clearly individuals communicate and answer questions.

3. Give Significant Feedback (and Promptly)

If your HR professionals, executives, and managers only give feedback when something is wrong, that may deflate employees’ confidence and build resentment toward the company. Instead, build up workers and keep them feeling good about their current role by complimenting them for work well done.

Receiving meaningful feedback means providing specific details about what the employee did right, rather than simply “good job.” This technique can help personalize the experience for those receiving the positive words and motivate them to continue to give their all. Be sure to provide feedback soon after the accomplishment to help maintain drive in the workplace.

Strengthening Your Organization

The effort put into reducing employee turnover is time well spent. Doing so can help you retain top-performing employees for many years, which can bolster productivity across the organization.

Other suggestions are training staff well and providing promotional opportunities to those who shine. Providing career advancement may make the difference between a person who stays and someone who starts looking for another job elsewhere.

In conclusion, a thoughtful approach to employee retention ought to be a focus of your HR department. Investing in the workforce makes sense. Building enthusiasm among staff can contribute significantly to your business over the long term.

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