Are You Dealing with High Employee Turnover? Ask Yourself These 10 Questions

It can be disheartening when a valued employee unexpectedly resigns and informs you that they have found another job. Sadly, high employee turnover has become a common challenge for Canadian businesses in recent years. There are many factors that contribute to this issue, including a highly competitive job market, a desire for career advancement, and inadequate compensation and benefits.


If you're facing this issue, here's a list of 10 questions you should ask yourself to better understand and address the problem: 

1. Are we offering competitive compensation and benefits packages compared to our competitors?

Ensuring that employees are paid fairly and offered comprehensive benefits can improve retention rates. After all, employees are more likely to stay with a company that values their contributions and supports their well-being through fair compensation.          

2. Is there a career progression plan in place for our employees?

Offering employees opportunities for growth and advancement can increase motivation and engagement in their work. Without it, employees may feel stagnant and unfulfilled, leading to decreased job satisfaction and higher turnover rates.        

3. Are we providing sufficient training and development opportunities for our employees?    

Offering ongoing training and development can improve job performance, increase job -satisfaction, and help employees feel valued.        

4. Do our employees feel valued and appreciated?            

Recognizing employees for their hard work and contributions can improve morale and job satisfaction. Performance-based rewards such as bonuses, promotions, and raises, or non-monetary rewards such as public recognition, certificates of achievement, or extra time off, are effective ways to recognize employee contributions.        

5. Are we providing a healthy work-life balance for our employees?        

Nowadays, offering flexible schedules or remote work options is a must in almost all sectors. If you fail to promote a healthy work-life balance, you risk losing top talent to competitors who do. In addition, it can lead to decreased job satisfaction, reduced productivity, and higher levels of burnout.   

6. Do our employees have access to adequate resources and support to do their jobs effectively?

Providing employees with the necessary tools and resources to perform their job duties can have a significant impact on their job satisfaction. This includes providing HR teams with the best software solutions to effectively manage personnel, as well as offering relevant training and upskilling opportunities to all sorts of roles.        

7. Are we promoting a positive and inclusive company culture?              

Fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, where every employee feels respected and valued, can increase employee engagement and improve retention rates.

8. Are we inviting employees to participate in decision-making processes?      

Providing opportunities for employees to have a say in company decision-making processes can lead to increased engagement and job satisfaction. This could be through regular employee feedback sessions, surveys, or inviting employees to participate in decision-making meetings.       

9. Are we addressing any concerns or issues raised by employees in an effective manner?  

Addressing employee concerns and issues promptly can demonstrate that their well-being and satisfaction are a priority. Failing to do so will likely result in decreased morale, engagement, and productivity.         

10. Do we have an exit interview process in place? Is it effective in gathering honest feedback from departing employees?        

Exit interviews can be a valuable source of insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a company's culture, policies, and management practices. To ensure that departing employees feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions, it's important to establish a process that is confidential, non-punitive, and genuinely interested in their feedback.


Employee turnover is a growing concern for many Canadian companies, as it can cost businesses a significant amount of money each year. To address this issue, it's also important to examine your company's approach to attracting, hiring, and retaining employees. Consider the factors that may be contributing to turnover, such as a lack of transparency, poor cultural fit, inadequate benefits, or an ineffective review process. By making strategic improvements in these areas, you can help create a workplace that is more appealing to current and prospective employees.

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