How Automation Can Strengthen Manager-Employee Relationships

Managers are often a company’s first responders. The way in which a manager handles fairness concerns and employee performance issues can mean the difference between workplace tensions and collaborative spirit. In 2022, increased automation of managerial tasks brings greater opportunities for stronger relationships between managers and employees.


Automation Trending in 2022


Today, technology performs repeatable tasks such as scheduling and approving expense reports. Within the next few years, performance feedback and other complex tasks will likely be automated. According to a Harvard Business Review, up to 65 percent of current management tasks could be automated by 2025.


Managers will therefore have fewer routine tasks on their plates and more space for human relationships with employees. Manager-employee relationships can be strengthened in several key areas, as explained in the following sections..


Promote Access to Flexible Work


Managers have an opportunity to learn about employee workplace preferences. Employees have made it clear that flexible work options are extremely important to them —a trend that started before the pandemic of 2020. According to a 2018 Flex Jobs survey, 97 percent of respondents said that a flexible job would have a “huge” or “positive” impact on their quality of life.


Providing meaningful work options shows employees that their quality of life is a priority for management. With 63 percent of high-growth companies using hybrid workplace models, flexible work is a subject worth exploring.


Emphasize Employee Wellness


From the same page as flexible work, employee wellness is another priority for fostering manager-worker relationships in 2022. For example, a 2020 PwC survey found that 44 percent of employers added or increased employee wellness programs.  


Automation gives managers time and space to develop wellness programs that are tailored for specific wellness needs —both physical and mental. Ask employees for feedback regarding their work-life balance. When you provide access to wellness programs and adequate paid time off, you are acknowledging that you value the whole person.


Have Conversations About Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Diversity, equity and inclusion are key factors for developing more human relationships with employees. Fairness and equal opportunity for all employees are essential for creating trust and building relationships. Automation creates space for conversations that can provide insight into points of view, cultural differences and employee potential.


Encourage Upskilling and Reskilling


Career development gives managers an opportunity to learn about employee goals, motivation and other factors. When you listen to employees’ concerns about growth opportunities, you are telling them that they are valued. An emphasis on reskilling and upskilling also means that your company can rely on current employees instead of bringing new people on board.


Develop Soft Skills


A more automated workplace will increase the need for soft skills such as the ability to navigate difficult conversations. Emotional intelligence enables managers to gain insight into employee interactions, ability to adapt to change and reasons for reactions to certain situations. All of these soft skills are indispensable for building more human relationships with employees.


Human Resources and Workplace Relationships


Automation provides managers with time and opportunities for stronger workplace relationships. HR teams are an important factor in maintaining a collaborative environment. Talcura provides HR technology that can enhance collaboration and foster management-employee relationships.  

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