How Do You Measure Candidate Experience?

Improving recruiter interaction and asking all the right questions.

Being able to properly assess and measure candidate experience is perhaps one of the most fundamental aspects of any HR process, particularly in a day and age when the job application process is as sensible as ever. You might think that job seekers would bend over backwards to find a really good position, but today, the position of power is somewhat reversed. In most cases, companies are competing ruthlessly in order to attract the top talent available in their industry. Small businesses and huge corporations alike are well aware that their future largely depends on “new blood,” and on the new skills that fresh people can bring to the table. In other words, appealing to great potential employees is challenging, and assessing the actual experience of these candidates as they go through the job application requires an attentive approach. Keep reading this article if you want to learn more about measuring the experience of your candidates for better results and higher satisfaction rates.

Recruiter Interaction

Recruiter interaction is a fundamental HR element these days, and it can be seen as a form of customer service in many

measuring candidate experience

ways. Much like a great customer experience can entice people to buy a product or a server, a positive recruiter interaction experience will increase your company’s chances to attract top talent. In addition to that, it will also stimulate the conversation and facilitate the vetting process. It is really important to streamline recruiter interaction as much as possible, trying to go for the simplest possible route, without over-complicating things. Recruiters can improve the candidate experience by asking better assessment questions, and improve their analytical tools. According to recent observations, almost 60% of candidates indicated that they did not enjoy their recruiter interaction experiences, and that the lack of enjoyment has often affect their decision as to whether pursuing the job or not.

Cumbersome Application Procedures

In many cases, lengthy and complicated application processes can become a true nuisance for all parties involved. On one hand, candidates can experience frustration and malcontent with the process, while on the other hand, recruiters might find it harder to measure candidate experience properly.

Asking The Right Questions

According to many industry experts, one of the most intuitive and straight-forward ways to measure candidate experience is to ask the right questions. For instance, asking candidates whether they’d refer the application to others based on their experience can yield valuable responses, which can later be analyzed and compared thoroughly. This method is not exactly ideal to pinpoint the faults with your candidate experience, but it is definitely going to give you a better idea of the overall pictures. The statistics might tell you whether things are working out or whether you are going to need to consider a different approach in order to improve the experience for the candidates to apply for a position. The process of asking questions to measure candidate experience is often referred to as Net Promoter Score, or NPS. According to some insiders, such as Matt Charney from “Recruiting Daily,” asking question is actually “the only way to measure the performance of candidate experience.” Thus, NPS is a really pivotal baseline, which allows recruiters to really get a good idea of how candidates are reacting to the application processes. Ultimately, the very best way to get some feedback and measure candidate experience, is simply to ask candidates at the end of the process. Reference material

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