HR Automation: What It Is and Why You Need It

If your human resources team is not already automating many of its core tasks, now is the time to embrace this trend. HR automation promises to be around for a long time given the many benefits and you risk falling behind without it.

Infusing Technology into Processes

HR automation refers to digitizing recurring and often mundane human resource processes to improve efficiency and streamline workflows. Automating an HR department using intelligent software tools can easily improve decision making and overall accuracy too.

There are many areas where HR professionals can benefit from automation. Recruitment, onboarding, payroll, and employee evaluations are among the most popular choices.

So, how does automation improve these processes and others for HR leaders and the organization as a whole? Find answers below in four different areas of HR.

Recruitment and Onboarding

Automating the stages of recruiting and onboarding can streamline these two processes and save busy HR professionals significant time in their busy day. Using Talcura’s customizable recruiting software, for example, can simplify and centralize many tasks so you can hire top talent faster.

The customizable software includes screening and flagging features for resumes, integrated calendars, process workflows, interview tracking, and more. Narrow down what you’re looking for and who meets the criteria to find the best candidate for the opening.

Talcura also offers onboarding software that connects employees and managers from day one, whether it is sending automated messages to new hires, signing forms electronically or another task. Starting the employee lifecycle positively can help improve their motivation and encourage them to stay longer with the organization, whether they are working remotely or in-office.

Payroll and Employee Evaluations

When a worker first joins the company, easily onboard them into the payroll system using an automated process. This will save the HR professional time as it reduces their administrative workload. They can then spend time on more complex tasks or new projects. Plus, automation can reduce errors in the human entry of time records.

Another important function of HR is employee performance management, and conducting evaluations is one way to do so. A year-round evaluation process does not have to be a considerable workload when you automate the process.

Tracking employee progress all year provides the data to use to determine which employees seem off track or require disciplinary action, as well as those who are deserving of a raise. Keep employees on track and hold managers accountable to their goals with regular evaluations, as well as commending those who excel in their roles.

Implementing Automation Well

Now that you understand the importance of automation, how do you carry it out? Among the key things to consider are your budget, stakeholders, timeline, and automation needs.

While shifting to automated HR processes can involve a significant investment of time, the rewards can be many over time. Efficiency, productivity, and employee satisfaction stand to benefit from digitization. Rather than looking for paperwork, human resources professionals can focus on strategies to help the organization in the future.

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