Improve Your Diversity Recruiting Strategy With These Tips

Nowadays, a diverse workplace is an extremely important asset. It acknowledges the individual strengths of each employee, and it is often considered the secret to a successful, thriving workplace and a fair work culture.

But while most recruiters and managers would agree that a diverse team helps companies be more innovative, creative and achieve better results, it is also true that many don’t know how to increase workplace diversity.

There are many strategies to achieve this goal, but today we will focus on an essential first step: developing a diversity recruiting strategy.  

Source Candidates In Different Platforms    

One of the best ways to ensure that your talent pool is full of diverse candidates is to source them from a variety of different places. Focusing only on the sources that you’re familiar with can result in a talent pool of similar candidates and a lack of diversity. Step up your game and try social media, attend career fairs and recruiter networking events, and post job ads on diverse job boards.

Ask Your Employees For Referrals      

Employee referrals are known to result in more efficient hiring. And if you want to boost your diversity recruitment strategy, you can create a diverse candidate referral program. Investing in these programs will help you find qualified candidates effortlessly and showcase that your company values different backgrounds and ideas.

Use Blind Resumes       

To achieve an inclusive recruitment process, implementing blind resumes can be determinant, as it reduces the possibility of bias. Blind resumes are just like regular resumes, but with all personal information blacked out. This information includes the applicant’s full name, address, gender, and ethnicity and only focuses on an applicant’s educational background, skills, traits, qualities, and work experience. To make this process easier, you can use software that redacts personal information from candidate CVs.

Use Blind Interviews   

Blind interviews follow the same principle as blind resumes, and are a very effective tool at the beginning of the process. They can be accomplished by sending candidates text-based Q&A or by an anonymized interview conducted via chat. Candidates answer the questions anonymously and are asked to avoid providing personal information. The goal here is to remain free of bias regarding who you choose to interview further.  

Offer Internships For Under Represented Groups

If you're committed to diversifying your workforce, your internship programs should be the starting point for this diversification. Ensuring a diverse group of interns will aid in diversifying newly hired employees. Focusing on converting interns from historically marginalized groups will also showcase your company's culture and core values to potential candidates.

Develop An Employer Brand That Showcases Your Diversity

It's one thing to claim that you value diverse recruiting strategies, but it's quite another to actually practice those values in your daily operations. So you're unsure about how others perceive your company, ask your employees how well you’re doing in valuing diversity and inclusion. Focus on educating your senior leaders and others in leadership positions in your organization about the value of diversity and inclusion. Train your managers and HR teams to promote diversity. By taking these steps, you can ensure your organization is on the right path!

A diverse workforce is not just important to the success of your organization - it’s also top of mind for job seekers. As such, investing in a diversity recruiting strategy is fundamental, just like it is to have the best software for your HR teams. If you wish to obtain the best tools to facilitate the hiring and onboarding procedures, get in touch with Talcura! Schedule a free demo and learn more about our customizable solutions!

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