No-Shows Are Wasting Your Time - Here's How to Cut Down

No-Shows - during interviews and onboarding - are a recurring problem faced by all recruiters. This behavior wastes HR time and the time of other candidates interested in the role. No-Shows can make the hiring process highly inefficient, negatively impacting the entire organization and wasting valuable resources.


Although it isn’t possible to completely avoid No-Shows, this problem can certainly be reduced if you follow these tips.


Rule #1: Understanding No-Shows

To reduce the number of No-Shows it’s important to understand the reasons behind the behavior. Applicants skip interviews and onboardings for a wide variety of reasons. They might get a more appealing job offer, decide the position isn’t a good fit, or simply get cold feet and feel awkward about canceling.


With all these variables in mind, it is essential to develop an interview/onboarding strategy that prevents these situations and feelings from manifesting.


Tips to prevent No-Shows


Changing the way your organization handles job interviews and onboarding can reduce the chances of job ghosting from your top candidates. Here are a few tips that can be game changing for you:


●    Make your company look as appealing as possible. Sometimes, not having a strong and memorable perception of an organization can lead to No-Shows. To avoid that, make the interview exciting and unforgettable. Coffee shop interviews, company tours, or special demonstrations are some examples you could try.

●    Be flexible. Candidates with top qualifications often have multiple interviews lined up. And if they’re currently employed somewhere else, they also have to fit the interview into their busy schedule. After-hours or even weekend interviews can reduce the chances of a scheduling conflict and, therefore, of having another No-Show situation.

●    Evaluating candidates before scheduling interviews can help you choose people who are more likely to follow through. Begin the process by having a quick phone call with the suitable candidates and get a glimpse of their expectations and availability. Use behavioral interview techniques to understand why they are looking for a job change and their long-term goals, and determine if they are genuinely interested in the job.

●    Be clear about the hiring process. To encourage candidates to stick to their interview slots, you must be clear about your expectations and the organization's procedures. You can, for example, let them know it is a competitive hiring process and that you won't reschedule the interview.

●    Likewise, it’s important to remind the candidates to be honest throughout the hiring process. Ask them to keep you updated on changes and let them know that you understand their availability can change. And, very importantly, ask them to let you know if they accept another offer or change their mind about interviewing.

●    Finally, try to get feedback from No-Shows. If your organization is continuously dealing with this problem, reach out to candidates who ghosted you and try to understand what went wrong. Their insights can be of great value.


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