Strategies For Leading Effective Meetings

Meetings are an integral part of our day-to-day work routine, and now, with remote and hybrid work, they’ve become even more critical channels of communication. When done right, meetings are effective ways to brainstorm ideas, get fresh perspectives, and bring teams closer together.  When done wrong, meetings can be very time-consuming and costly,  resulting in wasted effort and a lack of alignment amongst employees.

So how can you ensure you’re running effective meetings and getting the most of them? Here area few tips to help you out:

Come Prepared        

A clear-cut agenda can serve as a compass for the meeting. And if we're talking about virtual meetings, it is even more important to define and set expectations for participants. Come prepared with a list of ideas or topics you want to discuss and make the meeting goal clear. Before the meeting, make notes on the key points so that you don't miss anything you need to cover.

Always Be Punctual  

Between daily responsibilities, other meetings, and personal time constraints, it's inconsiderate for team meetings to run over the allotted time. So be punctual, optimize your meeting length, and try to stick with the scheduled end time. Keep in mind that when meetings start late and end late, it damages employee engagement and can lead to resentment and a desire to avoid teamwork. 

Start With An Ice-Breaker      

Ice-breakers can completely change the course of a meeting and set a good tone for it. Non-business dialogue helps you keep tabs on people's moods and mindsets so you can adjust your approach as needed. It is a great strategy both for in-person and virtual meetings - but try not to waste too much time on it, as it can lead to long off topic conversations.

Get The Whole Team Involved          

During the meeting, make sure that everybody is encouraged to ask questions and contribute with their ideas and suggestions. You don’t want one or two people dominating the meeting with their agendas. The facilitator must ensure the topics remain on point and no one feels left out. A meeting should always result in groupthink.

While In A Meeting, Avoid Multitasking      

Time is valuable, so unfocused meetings with people multitasking can drag on and become pointless. Moreover, if you're answering emails and doing other tasks while connected to a meeting, you're more likely to miss a question directed to you or appear uninterested in what others have to say. Go into a meeting with the expectation of not looking at your laptop or phone. Just be present.

Make An Action Plan            

Once the meeting is over, it's time to outline the decisions that came out and delegate the follow-up tasks. Try to send this summary or plan for your follow-up assignments within 24 hours after the meeting. This way, ideas from the discussion are still fresh, and employees will be more motivated to perform their corresponding tasks.

If you want to improve your meeting culture and run more effective meetings, it might be time to change how you approach meetings. And also, it might be time to make some tasks easier for your employees with the right type of tools and software. At Talcura, we have the most comprehensive services and software for HR professionals, designed to help attract, hire and onboard top talent. Schedule a free demo and learn more about our customizable solutions.

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