How to Solve the Top 3 Recruiting Challenges

Talent acquisition in a large enterprise is challenging in several ways. Sourcing and engaging qualified individuals while ensuring a good fit is a tall order for many professional recruiters. There are ways to alleviate the pains of recruiting. Read on to discover how to conquer the top three recruiting challenges many HR professionals face.

Assessing Hiring Needs

It is imperative to conduct a needs analysis to discover precisely what your company is lacking. Then, looking to the future in anticipation of positions going forward will help you to develop a workforce plan that is proactive and not reactive. Many HR professionals find themselves thrust into having to make hiring decisions on the fly and oftentimes the new hire proves not to be the best fit for the position or the company. Anticipatory planning and a properly set up and responsive applicant tracking system, while time consuming at the outset, is integral to attracting and retaining top talent. The importance of having engaged, qualified people in the pipeline can not be overstated. A comprehensive ATS assists in meeting the company’s hiring goals efficiently and ensures that when urgent needs arise there are pre-screened potential hires ready to fill vacancies. Such system is also helpful in the event of an intense hiring blitz for seasonal employment or events such as expansions and new locations.

When looking for an ATS to meet the needs of your company be sure that the following features are included for maximum return on investment:

  • process workflows
  • job libraries
  • cloning features
  • document and email templates to promote consistency, ensure quality and save time
  • Create, submit and approve requisitions and job descriptions/postings
  • Schedule and track interview and assessment completion
  • Share notes with colleagues
  • Send status updates at key stages of the process
  • Issue and track offer documents using templates
  • View all interactions with a candidate
applicant tracking system

Insufficient HR Support

As a professional recruiter you are likely all too aware of the budgetary constraints that you must operate within. Although many companies place a tremendous amount of importance on recruiting, the actual dollars allotted to this activity are often insufficient and are also often first on the list when it comes to slashing departmental operating budgets. This places a burden on the recruiters and does not support their efforts nor reflect their importance within the company. Supporting the HR team with acceptable budgets and with the appropriate technology to increase their efficacy is necessary in developing along-term, effective recruitment strategy that is responsive and ready with pre-screened candidates. It may appear counter-intuitive to allot valuable financial resources on recruitment technology but the initial outlay for appropriate and exceptional software that meets your company’s recruitment needs very quickly proves its worth. It’s one investment that shouldn’t be overlooked as the efficiencies created are well worth the expense.

ATS Flexibility and Support

When selecting ATS software ensure that the provider offers superior ongoing support as well as one that will work with you hand and hand to co-create the best platform for your company. Floundering around trying to learn the program on your own is a time waster and will not garner the results your company has dentified that it needs. Research and questions are key. At Talcura we are with you every step of the way. Take advantage of a discovery session with us to learn more about customizations, integrations, software optimization and more. Contact us today to book a discovery session!

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