Where to Put Your Focus as an HR Leader in 2021

Many changes have taken place during the pandemic, and now businesses are figuring out what the next chapter looks like, bringing new challenges for HR leaders. There are new expectations from employees about workplace conditions and pressures to fill critical skills gaps. But there is only so much time in the day, so where do you allot your time and energy? Here are three great areas of focus for human resource professionals in 2021:

Creating a Sense of Belonging

The remote workplace has become the norm in COVID-19 times. Many employees have faced the difficulties of distractions at home, separating work from home life, and feeling disconnected.

The solution is not necessarily to bring everyone back to the office like before the word coronavirus even existed. Instead, HR leaders can put more resources toward collaboration and culture to enhance a sense of belonging, especially for those who live alone and rely on the workplace for human interaction.

This process will consider individual working styles and skillsets, which will be important when creating remote teams in 2021. When employees feel a sense of inclusion, regardless of gender, race, and other characteristics, they are more likely to contribute.

Personalized Support using Technology

While a lot of time is spent creating a personalized customer experience, the pandemic has heightened the need for a personalized employee experience. To attract, keep, and manage top talent, this point is one that human resource leaders need to attend to, sooner rather than later.

A personalized approach is possible with automated tech that incorporates machine learning to improve human abilities. For example, Talcura’s acquisition suite has 50 configurable options and filters to improve the screening process for everyone involved. The intuitive features and included metrics and surveys are designed to improve employee engagement.

The feedback obtained through surveys of new and existing employees will also help HR leaders understand their workforce’s needs to manage them best. Creating solutions that fit employees, rather than vice versa, can positively impact their performance.


The pandemic changed life as we knew it, and human resource teams had to respond to the evolving demands inside and outside of their organization if they wanted to keep up (and get ahead). For example, HR leaders had to understand their workers’ skills to reassign them effectively within the updated business model.

Being flexible means changing as necessary and having the foresight to know when to do so. As both the workplace and candidate pool continue to change, human resource professionals must understand how best to fill skills gaps when hiring.

They must also keep tabs on the satisfaction levels of existing workers to retain their loyalty. When automation can help, it’s imperative to know when and how to incorporate it and swiftly do so.

Final Words on HR Leadership in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has created changes unlike any we’ve recently seen. It has led to new areas of focus in HR and business operations overall. Human resource leaders must stay current on technological updates and create the best personalized experience for employees to achieve organizational success.

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