Your Guide to Video Interview Etiquette

The typical job interview today looks dramatically different than it did before the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recruiters now use video conferencing to interview prospective hires in a time when remote work and social distancing are the norms. Consider using these etiquette pointers to help you conduct a successful interview as part of your remote hiring strategy.

Schedule Interview Time Appropriately

Set up the interview date and time well in advance so that both you and the candidate have time to prepare for it. To save your HR team valuable time, swap manual scheduling for Talcura’s recruiting software that lets candidates choose their preferred slot in real-time.

Also, provide the candidate with clear instructions for using the video software, such as Zoom or Skype. While you are likely familiar with it, they might not be. Therefore, provide them with any pertinent information they need to connect on the interview day, such as downloading software and creating a username and password.

Schedule more time than you think you need for each interview too. That will allow for any technical difficulties or an interview that goes long for another reason.

Finally, show up a few minutes early to the video interview to ensure that everything works as expected. The last thing you want to do is worry about technology at the start of the interview.

Create the Best Environment

Before the interview begins, set up the webcam and ensure that it is at least an arm’s length away from you so that the candidate can see you clearly. Also, set the camera at eye level to make the environment feel more natural to the candidate.

Eliminate distractions, too, by muting your phone, so it does not ping during the interview. The interruption is rude to the candidate, but it can also disrupt the flow of the conversation.

Use Open Body Language

Be conscious of the impression you are giving the candidate during the video interview. Maintain good posture and keep your arms open rather than folding them in a closed-off manner.

Also, nod as you listen to what the candidate is saying to show you are following along. Remember to smile too as part of helping the other person feel more at ease.

Dress for the Occasion

While you might be working from home, you still represent the hiring organization. Thus, it makes sense to dress for the video interview the same as you would for a face-to-face meeting.

By dressing in the type of outfit you would normally wear to the office, you provide the candidate with a window into the dress code. That helps them get a feel for your company culture.

Have a Plan B

As much as you can practice the video software, it can still have glitches. If the audio or sound does not work correctly, have a plan in place for how to react.

For example, you might move to FaceTime or interview by phone instead. Sometimes background noises can happen that are out of your control, too, such as a neighbour’s dog barking nonstop.

The reality is that remote work has challenges, and you must be flexible to help candidates feel comfortable. Start your interview by saying to the candidate that you appreciate their time and willingness to meet via video and that background noises can happen unexpectedly.

Concluding Words on Video Interview Etiquette

The last step is to contact the interviewee after the video ends. Even if they did not get the position, it is still good to let them know. The pandemic is a stressful time, and not knowing the outcome of the interview can add to that.

Using the tips above, you can conduct a professional video interview as part of your remote recruitment strategy. Over time, remote interviews will become as second-nature as in-person ones for HR professionals.

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